Thursday, September 9, 2010

Peace like a River

There is since in which your final year of college is anything but peaceful. For the most part it is just plain worrisome. I never go through a day without anxiously thinking about what I will do after college. Social stigma accompany's the statement "I don't know what I will do when I graduate." For some reason the college student is expected to have a well thought out, detailed plan... and he must express this plan with un-waivering confidence. This is a feat that I don't believe I will ever accomplish. I truly don't know what I will do after graduation. I will receive a diploma and life will go on. I find comfort in the words of this choral arrangement of "Peace like a River." I had the opportunity to perform it last semester in the University's Chamber Choir and it's message sticks with me like few other songs. Through faith in Christ I have great joy... this joy is constant. Joy in Christ must not be confused with happiness which is a temporal. Such joy in Jesus exists even in times of worry, suffering, and pain. So... What will I do after college? I will continue in the peace and joy of my Lord and will, in faith, do what ever he asks of me.

Romans 5:1
"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

This really is one of my favorite songs. Its beautiful on so many levels. I think half of our choir was in tears last year during the performance. Turn it up medium to loud for the full effect.