Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Nineteen days and counting till I leave for New Zealand. I am currently out of school and staying at my parents house in Dothan where I have nothing better to do than constantly think about leaving for New Zealand. Some days I wish I were leaving sooner, but I hope to utilize this time to really prepare for a hard summer. I want to get all the fresh bread of the word I can while am here so as to fill my heart to the brim  that I may overflow once in NZ. This has been hard to do at home away from most of my strong christian friends. 

I recently went down to the beach to visit my friends who are at summer beach project. It was so refreshing to get to see how God has been working in their hearts. I am unable to describe how good it was to worship with my friends after the month that I have been on summer break and taking summer classes. There was a beauty in this worship that was rare. .. such that I longed for heaven more than ever. Light is always more beautiful in darkness. Summer break for me has been shrouded in darkness and therefore the light that I met during that worship was exquisite. I think its bizarre that in Christ we will never cease to experience more, for God is infinite in all aspects of his being. This fact is staggering! To see light so beautiful is worth traveling through darkness.